Monday, November 8, 2010


While teaching I have discovered something about myself something I never knew I had within my and that is I discovered I am a real bad A. I am usually a chill person but deep down inside me was a hard core teacher waiting to erupt and has it ever! I have encountered so many things here in my short time teaching that I thought would never happen at a school. I have never seen this side of me I am strict, blunt and straight forward something I usually and not. All day I have to be critical of students work and tell them exactly what I think of what they have done. This has been hard for me telling a student that their haircut is way off! that one side is 2 inches longer than the other, some students can handle some students feel like is a personal attack. I have had to be careful with this, I hate hurting peoples feelings it makes me feel sick to see that drop in someones face when they have been told...the truth. But that is my job, the only way to make them better is to correct them. So I have tried different approaches instead of telling them how off it is off, I ask them to recut it while I am watching them to see how they cut and what is making them cut to bad. And make it a point to always attach a positive with a negitive. And then there are those students who just think I am strict and criticle just because I can. One of my students told me " You know what... Your a real hard A$$."  I didn't know what to say? I have never been told that I suppose I have become a real "HA"  I don't know if I like that? I have filled in for instructors on the floor( where the students work on actual clients) and I noticed my old students wouldn't have me check their haircuts I asked them why they weren't calling me over to check them?They told me they don't like me to check their haircuts because I am a perfectionist and make them re-do it. If there is one thing that this job has taught me it is toi be a perfectionist, I check a million haircuts a day I could do it with my eyes closed and I guess that has made me a real HA. I have been given jo many titles by students= more posts to come :) I think I will take HA as a compliment I could have been called much worse.

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